Clues That It’s Time to Replace That Aging Water Heater

Everyone has a water heater but most people don’t think about this appliance very much. [...]

Why Every Sprinkler System Needs Its Own Shutoff Valve

If you have a sprinkler system in your front yard or back yard, you need [...]

Simple Steps to Get a Forced Air Furnace Working Again

  When you get your first sharp cold snap, that’s not the ideal time to [...]

Swamp Cooler Maintenance for Longer Life and Colder Air

Swamp coolers are great appliances for dry climates like the one in Albuquerque but to [...]

What to Do Immediately When You Smell Gas in Your Home

When you smell gas in your home, that qualifies as an emergency that must be [...]

10 Essential Steps to Prepare Your Swamp Cooler for Summer

When hot weather looms, one of the most important things you can do to keep [...]

Why Adding a Sewer Cleanout Can Save You Plenty of Money

If you don’t know if your home has a sewer cleanout or not, today is [...]

Simple Steps to Keep Your Sewer Line Open and Flowing

Whether you are a homeowner or a renter, it’s very important that you know how [...]

Featured Podcast with Kyle Metcalf

Our owner and plumbing guru, Kyle Metcalf was recently featured on a local Albuquerque podcast. [...]

6 Effective Ways to Reduce Your Water Bill

Hi, I’m Kyle Metcalf, the owner of Rocketman Plumbing in Albuquerque. Everyone gets a water [...]