Category Archives: Plumbing

Why Adding a Sewer Cleanout Can Save You Plenty of Money

If you don’t know if your home has a sewer cleanout or not, today is [...]

Simple Steps to Keep Your Sewer Line Open and Flowing

Whether you are a homeowner or a renter, it’s very important that you know how [...]

Featured Podcast with Kyle Metcalf

Our owner and plumbing guru, Kyle Metcalf was recently featured on a local Albuquerque podcast. [...]

5 Types of Furnaces: Which Is Best for You?

Hi, I’m Kyle Metcalf, the owner of Rocketman Plumbing in Albuquerque. I’m here to talk [...]

More Tips for Choosing the Best Plumber

Hi, I’m Kyle Metcalf, the owner of Rocketman Plumbing in Albuquerque. I want to share [...]

Pros and Cons of a Tankless Water Heater

Hi,  I’m Kyle Metcalf, the owner of Rocketman Plumbing in Albuquerque. Today, I want to [...]

Never Flush These Items Down Your Toilet

Hi, I’m Kyle Metcalf, the owner of Rocketman Plumbing in Albuquerque. Today, I’m going to [...]

Tips for Avoiding Plumbing Emergencies in Old Homes

Hi, I’m Kyle Metcalf, the owner of Rocketman Plumbing in Albuquerque. Today, I’m going to [...]

How to Avoid Clogged Sinks and Expensive Repairs

Today, I’m going to answer your question about how to avoid clogging sinks that will [...]

4 Vital Reasons You Need a Sewer Line Cleanout

Today, I’m going to answer a question many people have, which is why do you [...]