When you get your first sharp cold snap, that’s not the ideal time to find out that your furnace isn’t working. If this ever happens to you, it’s important that you know what you can do right away to get your furnace working again.
After these simple steps, you might find that you need a repairman, but try my advice first and see if your heat kicks in. In fact, it would be a good idea to save this article somewhere handy so you can reach for it on a winter’s night and get that heat flowing back into your home!
Step One: Find Out If Your Heater Has Electricity Going to It
Check the breaker switch connected to your heater. Sometimes a breaker will get tripped and just resetting it will send power to the forced air heater and it will start working.
Step Two: Check to See If Your Forced Air Heater’s Pilot Light Is Lit
Newer forced air furnaces don’t have pilot lights (also called standing pilots). But older ones do. If the pilot light is out, relight it. There will be a pilot knob with a position marked “Pilot.” Turn the knob to this setting which lets gas flow to the pilot. Light a match or lighter and push in the reset button. Hold the flame to the opening where the pilot light is normally burning. Keep the reset switch pushed in until the pilot light ignites and keeps burning steadily. Then let it go.
Step Three: Change Out the Batteries in Your Thermostat
If your thermostat runs on batteries (digital ones normally do), then switch out the batteries. This could be all it takes to get your forced air heater up and running. As a rule, you should change those batteries once a year. Pick a date you can remember, like New Year’s Day, and change them on that date.
Step Four: Determine If Your Thermostat Is the Source of Your Problem
If you are handy around the house, there is one more step you can take to diagnose the problem. Open up the thermostat, take the red and white wires and touch them together. If the furnace fires up when you do this, this means that the thermostat needs replacement. You can do this safely because there is only the tiniest amount of electricity flowing through these wires. To restore your heat, then, you will either need to have someone come out to replace the thermostat or replace it yourself.
These simple steps could be all that is needed to get your forced air furnace running and your home warm and cozy again.
When Simple Steps Don’t Work, Call Rocketman for Fast Service
We understand that when your forced air furnace isn’t working and it’s cold outside, you need service fast! That’s why our technicians are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Call us and we will send one of our experts out with a full supply of tools and parts so your home is comfortable as soon as possible.
We offer the same fast service for plumbing and sewer emergencies. We also do annual maintenance on forced air furnaces. We’ll come out and clean out all the dust and cottonwood fluff. We’ll make sure your gas lines are clear and your batteries are fresh. Call us at (505) 560-3424 and we’ll be there in a flash.