Rocketman Plumbing here in Albuquerque, New Mexico, offers fast repairs done right. We handle your residential and commercial HVAC and plumbing needs, including boilers. Today, I want to explain the common signs of a boiler leak so that you can keep your home’s boiler in good working order.
How Your Boiler Heats Your House
If you have a boiler in your house, it usually is hooked to baseboard heating for your house. Most houses have several zones, or different sections of your house, each with its own thermostat. You might have two, you might have four, you might have eight, depending on how big a house you have. If you’re noticing there’s a section of your house that is just simply colder than the rest, there’s a chance that one of those zones is not opening up. That would indicate a problem with your boiler and is one of the first indications that you might need a boiler repair.
There are different ways you can check this, but the best thing to do is to call a plumber. This is because boiler leaks can be dangerous, so if you suspect you have one, call Rocketman Plumbing right away. We’ll come out to make sure that there are no problems and all your zones are opening up correctly.
An Important Note on Boiler Maintenance
A boiler is a closed system. This means that the water inside circulates through the whole system repeatedly. Over time, that water gets dirtier and dirtier. At least once a year, usually at the beginning of fall when you’re ready to start using your heat, it’s good to call a professional to come out and do maintenance on your boiler. Our expert team at Rocketman will make sure the system’s working correctly, make sure there are no leaks in the system, and flush out the dirty water. This will make your system run a little bit more efficiently and help get more life out of it.
Call Rocketman for Boiler Repair and Maintenance
If you have any plumbing problems or boiler problems, please give Rocketman Plumbing a call, and we will come out and take care of it for you. Call us at 505-375-6602 to schedule today.