When you smell gas in your home, that qualifies as an emergency that must be handled immediately. It would be very smart for you to take a few minutes right now and learn how this should be handled so if you ever encounter this emergency, you know just what to do.
Some people assume that they should instantly call the gas company when they smell gas. Yes, that will handle the problem, but it can also run up the cost of fixing the problem and cause a significant delay in getting your gas restored. I’ll tell you how to handle this problem quickly and safely.
How to Shut Off the Flow of Gas to Your Home and Appliances
For you to shut down this flow of gas, you must have a shutoff valve on your side of the gas meter. If you don’t have one, you’re going to have to rely on the gas company to shut off this gas flow. It’s going to take time for them to arrive. For safety and economy, make sure you have a gas shutoff valve installed so you can quickly handle this task in the future. This installation can be done by your plumber.
If you already have one, the first thing you do when you smell gas is get to that shutoff valve and close it off. It is normally located near the meter at the side of the home. There will be no more gas entering your home and you have time to get the leak repaired. You should remove all people and animals from the home and call a plumber for an emergency visit.
What Happens When the Gas Company Shuts Off Your Gas?
The gas company shuts off the gas in a different way than you do. They shut off the flow of gas before it reaches your gas meter. You can’t shut it off on that side and neither can any plumber. Then the gas company takes the gas meter away. Yes, it will be completely gone.
Before you get your gas meter back (and your flow of gas turned back on), there must be an air pressure test of your gas line. Everything must be brought up to code. You must obtain a permit for an inspection. Then once your system passes inspection, the gas company will bring the meter back and turn the gas on.
This whole process could cost thousands and thousands of dollars. Plus the home will be without gas for heat or cooking until the inspection is done and the gas company comes back out with the meter.
The Wisdom and Economy of Having a Gas Shutoff Valve Installed
With a gas shutoff valve, you can immediately handle any danger by disconnecting the flow of gas, followed by calling a plumber. When one of my technicians goes out on a call like this, it’s a simple job. It might take only an hour to make the repair and get your gas working again if there’s no significant damage to the gas lines.
Here’s what we do when we arrive: We’re going to open that valve for a moment. We use our gas leak detector to find out exactly where the leak is. Then, with the gas shut off again, we fix the leak. We’ll then help you relight any appliances. It’s really that simple. It’s also so much less expensive than the process required to get your gas meter back.
Rocketman Plumbing Can Give you a Quote to Add a Gas Shutoff Valve
If you don’t have a gas shutoff valve of your home, we can give you a quote for adding one. We are also available 24 hours a day and seven days a week to come out and find a leak that’s releasing gas into your home. A gas leak isn’t something you can wait to address later. In the Albuquerque area, give us a call at (505) 560-3424 when you need fast, accurate and honest help.